What is their secret, how did they manage to stay together for that long.

In 2010, there was a Q&A on them in Valentines Day.

They answered and gave their secret for their marriage that lasted that long.

Here are the some of the questions and answers.

“How did you know your spouse was the one for you?” a user asked.

“We grew up together and were best friends before we got married. A friend is for life; but our marriage lasted a lifetime.” They answered.

“Is there anything you would do differently after 80+ years of marriage?” was asked to them.

“We wouldn’t change a single thing. There’s no secret to our marriage, we just did what was needed for each other and our family. (I guess there lies the secret…)” they wrote.

“What was the best piece of marriage advice you ever received?” was one of the most asked questions.

“Respect, support, and communicate with each other. Be faithful, honest, and true. Love each other with ALL of your heart.” They responded.

“What is your best Valentine’s Day memory?”

“I cook dinner every day. Herbert left work early and surprised me; he cooked dinner for me! He is a VERY good cook!

Herbert: I said that I was going to cook dinner for her and [that] she could relax. The look on her face and clean plate made my day! (This just made my day!)” answered Zelmyra.

Together they seen many events that happened in our era.

From Great Deppression to the first African-American president of the USA.

They were married in 13th of May, 1924.

Sadly, in 2011, Herbert lost his life at the age of 105 and two years later, in 2013, Zelmyra passed away at 105. They were togerher for 87 years at the end.